Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 2009 - Vertical Fin and Tail Rotor.

Good progress this month.

Replaced a round head rivet on the tail boom skin with a steel countersunk one, to allow the forward bracket on the vertical fin to sit flat.

I used a 10-32 (3/16") floating nutplate for the rear fin
mount. All the spacers between the fin and the bracket/tail
boom were meticulously shaped by hand to ensure they sat flat on all surfaces, and the bolts sat square. This also mean the washers on the outer surface of the fin needed to be shaped to ensure the bolt heads sat
square (others have found that in service, the bolts shear at the head
or the front bracket cracks if very careful attention isn't paid. Here's
the rear spacer - shaped to fit the tail boom.

After cutting out the tail rotor pitch actuator arms,
I drilled them together to ensure the spacer bolts sat

The tail rotor pitch actuator arms installed on the
bearing slider plates - looks nice back there now.

Then I could move on to assembling the tail rotor blades. Nice to see the shiny aluminium when they came out of the box for the first time sinced I'd bought them five years back. The end caps were shaped to fit then drilled and countersunk. Because the drawing and construction manual doesn't state what rivets are required, Kevin Lunn (the Australian RotorWay agent confirmed that 3/32" countersunk aluminium rivets were used, despite the manual's instructions to use steel rivets in the tail rotor area because of the vibration. Kevin also warned not to use a micro-stop tool for countersinking the rivet holes on the rounded surface of the tail rotor - the tool digs in and you end up with the hole too deep. Do it by hand with a drill bit - slow, but much safer.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 2009 - Vertical Fin.

Challenging to get this bracket right.

October-November 2009 - Tail Rotor Slider

Nice to work with aluminium again.

February-Mar 2009 - Leg Fairings.

Long, slow process to get these to work.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

January 2009 - Cockpit Storage Boxes.

January 2009

Under-floor storage boxes - pilot and passenger sides.

2007 - Like the Energizer battery - it just keeps going and going and going!

Shaping the radiator shrouds to fit the body - 1/8" at a time, panel on, panel off.

Laser alignment of the body join - nothing but the best here!

Then there was the very carefully made fibreglass panel to seal around the muffler hangers.  But when I installed the leg spats... I found that I couldn't remove and install the panels because of the tight fit around the hangers!  Days of work were undone in seconds with a Dremel diamond bit.

Fuel tank sender hole.

Fuel tank heat blankets.  Looks like it's been designed by a committee!

An easier solution?

One day!

My Mum and Dad visited and helped build the ECU box and the ignitor pack and MAP sensor panels.

Swiss cheese.

Sublime -> rediculous;  Elizabeth's multi-purpose heart of gold Diahatsu to the rescue.

VH-XAA & E's legs.

Proud owner!

When the RotorWay grows up...

2008 - another new home.

2006 - will it ever finish?

Initial set-up of the cyclic control. 

Belts on.

Nicely ceramic-coated exhaust (thanks Kirk).

Elizabeth using her head.

Can we go flying yet?

2005 - A new home.

Construction Progress 2004.

One day!

RotorWay Helicopter Construction Project